
Copied a wall painting of some asian painter…. he used paint while i tried my hand with charcoal….. awesome medium…..

I love this painting for its movement…. for the expression of her face… she is soooo lost in her own world…. so much bliss….. THIS is dance…. dancing like no one is watching you…. like you own the entire space around you….. i call it “Musth”….

Musth is the hindi word used for a condition in elephants when they go crazy actually….. but to take it in a positive sense when an elephant is in “musth” the “mahaout” and others leave him alone with food …. the elephant shakes and moves his head in pain probably but it looks as if it is dancing….. like we all dance to the tunes of the divine….. the only difference should be we have to still enjoy the pain and suffering because thats what makes us the thinking humans stronger!!!

The other word which probably is derived from “musth” is “musthi” which is having fun in layman’s language….. but i did not want to use that to describe this lady…. i want it to be just “musth”….. She is a little crazy…. she might be in pain or she might not be also…. but she is definitely in the NOW and she is totally into the moment…. she is lost to the world…. the only thing she can hear is the sound of music…. the sound of her bells…. the swish of her gossamer stole…. her black hair all floating around her…. she is in BLISS…..

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