Freshhhhh!!!!…. The Humble Mint series……

Since i had a very refreshing start to today with a lovely multi sensorial morning walk and especially the fresshhh piney woody smells of some herbs/ shrubs (i dont know what) just got me all sniffy like a dog and i go into my photo archives and came up with this post……

Will post all my freshhhh recipes & pics which denote freshness today….. a tribute to MINT….

Lets start with with…. mmmm…. (spoilt for choice???…. naah….hardly any…..)

The Quintessential Minty Lemonade (Simple one!!)

(Serves 2)

Take a handful of mint leaves

A sliver of ginger (yesss ginger!!)

Squeeze in 3 to 4 limes (since I used the small limes, if using lemons 2 should suffice for 2 people)

Spoon or 2 of sugar if you like it sweet or just a half/ 1 teaspoon will do

1/4th teaspoon of salt

(Please adjust sugar and salt according to taste)

And blend/ grind it finely

Then add water & ice cubes

Check for taste and see what else would you like to add – maybe more tangy or sweetish or salty…..

Pour into a lovely glass and slip in a whole mint leaf into the concoction and slide in a lovely lime and lemony roundel on the glass edge…. Voila!!!

Serve with some freshly cut watermelons to increase the freshness quotient…..

Now from lemons to melons!!!! (My little one usually confuses the two words :-))


(Serves 2)

Take a bowl of diced watermelons (deseeded)

Add half a cucumber (peeled and diced) – too much might take away the natural sweetness of watermelon but if you like cucumber then dont stop yourself at half…. go full on…. 🙂

5 to 6 mint leaves

Tablespoon of honey

Blend and pour…. Garnish with a sprig of mint on the frothy top….

And serve with a high dose of sunshine and love!!!!

Moving from juices to a yogurt dip (raita) but my fave fresh ingredient stays…. the evergreen Mint!!!!

Pumpkin Raita

Boil a small bowl of diced/ cubed pumpkins in salt water (But dont use too much water, use just to cover 3/4th of the pumpkins)

Once fully cooked, mash them with a fork and cool

Then add 2 to 3 spoonfuls of yogurt, salt, sugar

Tear a few mint leaves into the dip and mix

Garnish with a mint leaf or sprig and serve…..

(Goes well with mix rice/ pulav, parathas etc…)

I am sure there are a lot of mint recipes out there …. this is just to give a kickstart so that we can go out and look for them and start adding freshness into our lives through this simple herb called Mint!!

Be Simple, Fresh in your thoughts…. SOOOOoooo………Go Minty!!!

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