Color Corridor and Soul Corners…

As i reorganize a few of my fave spaces in my little abode a few thoughts just pass by….. thought of sharing them….

Everytime i pass through this corridor i want to get reminded that even our life is a corridor which we are just passing through and there are many more such corridors or lifetimes we need to pass through…. and that we should not just breeze through it without a second thought…. WE need to create it …. beauty… color… life …all of it around us…. it is within us…. it is our responsiblility to make this corridor as beautiful as possible in whatever way we can …. fill it with all the positivity possible…. and enjoy every moment of it…. there will be blacks and greys and browns alongwith the bright and vivids in the color palette of life but thats all a part of it…. we cannot get lost in the shadows or get carried away with the colors and blink at the brightness….

So pause…. create….feel….enjoy…learn…. move (but not too fast :-))…. keep moving… moving on…. walking….dont stop…. because at the end of the day it is just a corridor…. there is a destination…. god realization or whatever one whats to call it….

And its not some esoteric thing…. it is in those simple things in life we go closer to the divine…. And thats what i want these spaces in my life to remind me continiously ….

As i blog… i am listening to this song from the movie Barfi (India’s official entry to Oscars this year) – “Kyon na hum tum…..” and i feel even this is what life is all about….. Will blog separately on that…..

The above space is my newest addition to my abode…. i love the sound of indian brass bells…. and the freshhhh aroma of basil or mint…. the green and white colors…. my blackboard with whatever touches my heart…. a few of my recipe books (since this corner is in my kitchen!! right above the place where i wash my dishes :-))….

Hey Reiki group see it is spirituality in Karma (my brand new learning of the week)…. as i do my karma of washing dishes i can gaze away at the little brass ganesha sitting on top of the bell or keep hitting those little bells so that thier tinkle reminds of the buddhist monk Thich Naht Hahn’s teaching – Bells of Mindfullness!!…. Ooooo i love this new space in my life….

Before i proceed, full credits for this space idea go to my favorite interiors blogger and inspiration….Archana Srinivas (

The other fave corner of mine is the below space…. i sit next to this place and meditate or do reiki…. the sunrays caress my feet as i sit here…. well not anymore becos winter is approaching and the angle of sun is shifting…. but now i can see the dust dancing in the rays…. gee….

There used to be a buddah to calm this space but my little one broke it….  so i replaced it with light (the tea light holder in yellow)…..

Then ofcourse my favorite morning meditation spot, relax & unwind spot, party spot in winter evenings…. my balcony where i can be in touch with nature and creation…. listen to the water falling off … smell the greenery …. the sound of birds in the morning and crickets in the night….

Have added a replica of the age old window – “Jharoka” to one of the walls and have a colorful wind chime also…

Jharoka to remind us that we are energy and we are lifetimes old and will go on for dont know how many more lifetimes…

Had lots of fun sharing my soul spaces with you guys today…. hope you have fun too….

Peace and Light to all

From the “Desi” Bohemian Soul….

3 thoughts on “Color Corridor and Soul Corners…

  1. Pingback: Color Corridor and Soul Corners… « A bohemian's soul expressions

  2. You have very aptly put your thought
    s bhaswana ..we are from earlier generation, slightly lucky to enjoy life at our speed and believe that as far as possible everybody should restrain from blindly joining the rat race for place at top at the cost of joy and containment.

    • Yup.. Thanks maama… Well I don’t know about generation but I think it is about choices and the pace one sets… I am sure in ur generation also there are many who have gone through without A second thought…. But u haven’t and choose to experience life and not just exist… Great!!

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