The Limitlessness of Spirituality…..

My spirituality moves from the esoteric or alternate to the angelic to the idolatory to the inner meditative to zen….. its tooo vast to contain in one stream of thought or Art!!….

The Alternate Reality….

Possibilities of multiple perspectives and realities…. one just has to place oneself in that alternate reality and see afresh….

My Angel…..

Free, light… soaring above the dark clouds… can part them and bring in the light…. beings of light…. very comforting form of spirituality….


Inner Power…. empowering form of spirituality….


Conditioning form of spirituality…. therefore again comforting for the senses and cultural upbringing…. but also fun…. oooo look at the color and senses it can evoke….

Meditative… the inner journey….

Calming…. evocative…. relaxing… empowering… alternative… vibrating… resonating… Maybe the most complete and effective form of spirituality for me….


Totally calming, relaxing and soothing form of spirituality….


Art here has been used primarily to convey threads of thought which emerge and as they do i remove them one by one like Dumbledore does in Harry Potter…. removes memory thread out of his head… remember?? remember?….



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