Mystical Mythical Collection….. A burst of colors from India…..

My first project project and i was paid for it !!! (ye ye ye)….. it was for a friend…. she was having an indian function where turmeric and vermillion are given to ladies… but since it is a modern city and we are all modern people (wink wink)…. and we dont use vermillion on our foreheads or turmeric on our feet anymore like our moms or grandmoms used to…. so the idea was why not give them bookmarks with the 2 colors built into the designs…. ofcourse this idea was my friends – i.e. making bookmarks and doing something traditional in terms of design .

“As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.”

– Rumi

And believing that i have started out on a path with this first real project of mine…. am sure the way will unfold itself as i go along…

And by the way i did get a couple of positive feelers from a few more people and might get some orders…. fingers crossed….

AND thats not all….. There are a couple of more paintings and charcoal drawings i had done which i will soon put up….. life is as exciting as you make it…. so go one make yours exciting…. start walking… the way WILL appear…. just believe in it….

Keep watching this space….

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