

Was Sitting in my balcony and doing my omkaarams ….. Could hear the birds, sounds of life from various places like the shrieks of kids from the pool, the whir of a lawn mower, water sprinklers somewhere, a truck starting and rumbling along ….. A car going by on the pebbled streets….. It was warm and a tad muggy…. But you know what the thought which came was this …. “I am them and they are me…. Every sound, every being, every feeling and in turn we are all part of divine so how can I get disturbed by these sounds and feelings?….. They are ME right ? ” . The minute I had this thought and accepted and absorbed all these sounds they blended into my om vibrations and did not disturb me at all ……

I hope and pray I have this very thought when I am interacting with people or when I have made a mistake ….. They also are me and we are all divine so where is the conflict….. I hope and pray I accept every body for who they are …. And me for who I am ….. (Becos for me these are more of challenges than the environment!) ….. I hope and pray to be reminded of this very experience I had today just to prove to myself that it is possible!! It is !!

And incidentally ttthhiiss is advaitam ! God is me and I am god! We are all one! No duality , a-dvaitam !!!

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  1. Pingback: Oneness | A bohemian's soul expressions

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