Ek Onkaar…..


Ik Onkar (God is One)
Sat Nam ( His name is True)
Kartaa Purakh (He is the Creator)
Nirbhau (He is without fear)
Nirvair (He is inimical to none)
Akal-murat (He never dies)
Ajooni (He is beyond births and deaths)
Saibhang ( He is self illuminated)
Gurprasaad (He is realized by the kindness of the True Guru)
Jap (Repeat His Name)

Aad sach (He is True in the beginning, (before the anything (universe) existed)
Jugaad sach (He was True when the ages commenced and has ever been True)
Hai bhi sach (He is also True now)
Nanak hosi bhi sach. (Satguru) Nanak (says that) he will be certainly True in the future.)

Above text copied from http://satnam-waheguru-ji.blogspot.ae/2008/05/uity.html…… So due credits to them….

The painting cum sketch has been made by me however I used some sketch from the internet as reference (but only for the sketch)……

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