Ashes still remain…. 

Some wounds don’t heal…. they just go deep down and hide behind scars…. over time maybe even scars aren’t visible …. but the dull ache is still felt…. one can hear it… like a far far away howl of a wolf… like lava bubbling deep deep inside the very bowels of the earth , sounds just like a gurgle, but it’s actually the sound of pain buried long long ago…. 
Even if one was consumed by the fire and one thought that one is cleansed and purified and transformed and has risen like a Phoenix from the ashes…. the ashes still remain…, and the pain still remains in each molecule of the ashes…. scattered across in the wind …. in the swaying trees… in the fragrance of the sky jasmine…, in the vibrant reds oranges of the “flame of the forest” …. in the words of a fleeting song…. in the notes of a symphony…. 
And it comes and brushes one …. a whiff … a whisper…. and then goes away…. always to come back…. to never fully go away ….. 
One let’s out a deep sigh and let’s it wash over and watches it…. let’s it do what it needs to …. and then sees it go …. dissolve away into the mist…. that’s the only way…. the only way… till next time…. till next time…. 

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